10 Things to Lift You Up on a Rainy Day
It’s rainy season in California and, unless you’re a skier, the weather can really put a damper on our mood and activity level. If you’re...

Not a Morning Person? Here’s how to find a morning routine that works for you!
Several years ago, a friend brought me to a topical study group that she regularly attended. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it, as...

Wo/man’s Search for Meaning: a Recommendation
Have you ever read one of those books that you just know is going to have a profound effect on you? I have been lucky enough to have come...

Why Letting Go of Expectations is the Real Key to Happiness
Ah, expectations. We all have them and sometimes we don’t even realize they are there. But how do they serve us? Do they help to increase...

By now most of us have heard of the "Superwoman" complex; women today are feeling pressured to do it all and have it all while looking...