5 Tools for Staying Sane During Hectic Days
This week has been a particularly busy one for me and it's only Tuesday! In preparing for the week, I reflected on how we manage our many...

ABC, 123, Breathe
I am constantly endorsing the benefits of meditation and, as a culture, it continues to be accepted into the mainstream. We are so lucky...

10 Things to Lift You Up on a Rainy Day
It’s rainy season in California and, unless you’re a skier, the weather can really put a damper on our mood and activity level. If you’re...

It’s the Most Wonderful (busy, expensive, exhausting & triggering) Time of the Year… How to stay
It’s hard to believe we are already in the first week of December: with Thanksgiving just behind us, Hanukkah in full force, and...

8 Ways to Practice Gratitude this Thanksgiving (and All Year Round)
Thanksgiving is a time for taking stock of how much we have to be grateful for, yet the practice of gratitude is something we can do each...