5 Tools for Staying Sane During Hectic Days
This week has been a particularly busy one for me and it's only Tuesday! In preparing for the week, I reflected on how we manage our many...

It’s the Most Wonderful (busy, expensive, exhausting & triggering) Time of the Year… How to stay
It’s hard to believe we are already in the first week of December: with Thanksgiving just behind us, Hanukkah in full force, and...

"If you want to change the world, you must change yourself first"
A year ago, I had the privilege of visiting India. My experience there was magical and spiritual in so many ways, most of them...

Focusing on the positives can reduce work stress...
I have a journal aptly titled "gratitude" that I leave at my bedside so I can jot down the things I am grateful for before I fall asleep....